(937) 878-1562, office@nbchristians.org
7345 Dayton Springfield Rd, Enon, OH 45323 USA
Contributions from the community are what allows our Church to continue its mission of spreading the word of God and allowing all individuals the opportunity to let Jesus into their life. By contributing to the New Beginnings Christian Church, you are directly helping others welcome faith into their lives and therefore helping others to become better versions of themselves.
Contributing to the Church allows us to not only continue our ministry work in Clark, Green, Montgomery and Miami Counties, but to also aid and assist our other missionaries in the US and internationally. Each year, at least 15% of all contributions go directly to our missionaries domestically and internationally, in order to help continue the spread of the lord’s word and his teachings. The remaining funds are used to support our programs and activities of the Church and to support our local community.
The easiest method to donate to New Beginnings Church is via PAYPAL. (Click on the Donate button below.)
You can use your PayPal account or a credit/debit card.
You can also give to the church in one of these ways:
Get in touch if you need any more information on how to contribute to the Church.
Office Hours
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 10:00 - 02:00
Sunday Services
9:30 Bible Study
10:30 Adult & Junior Worship (grades 1-6)